Dear future self,
As you are now most probably somewhere in the world caught up with life, I write this while curled in bed on a chilly Monday night. I have a book marked at page 82 and a half eaten bag of barbecue chips laying at the side table next to me. I made some iced tea but it's far down my insides now. I have no knowledge on what you've became or what you are now but I hope you're doing what you love. And with that, you are doing it with the person you love. Do more of what makes you happy, fuck people. I hope you still dance as silly. I hope you haven't completely got rid of the dumb jokes. I hope you still carry a journal around and write when inspire strikes. I hope you are crazy about the love of your life and I hope he makes you feel sixteen again. I hope you realize that midnight snacks aren't just for little kids. And that sometimes, being happy means being with yourself. I don't know where life will take me but it will take me to you. And I hope that person is proud of what she's become. And that she loves herself. I want you to always be true to yourself. Remember that the strongest person you know is yourself. Erase regret from your life as we both know I fear nothing more. Good days will come and maybe today was just not one of them. I hope you are happy now because today, you were.
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